Jan 10, 2012

Resolutions 2011 - A Personal Audit

For 2011, I put my resolutions in writing and for some time stuck it on the fridge in hopes that if I see it every day, I'll fare better with following through with it. Well, I am proud to say that it worked---a little. haha

Here's the list that I made for 2011.

1. Photography & Photoshop
         What I had planned on doing this year was learn more about photography. I wanted to attend photography classes and take formal lessons but when I realized how expensive they were, I told myself I could just watch video tutorials on Youtube. I managed to watch a couple of videos but no sooner did I realize that I have no patience for any of it. It just wasn't in my nature anymore to sit through a lecture. Then I thought of joining a photographers club because I heard it's the best way to learn but I wasn't yet willing to drive 30 minutes to get to the meeting place so I had to give up on that idea too. So I had no other choice, really, but to try to explore my camera. I realized that you learn on your own too, albeit very little.  Last year, I discovered a love for portraits and child photography! I've been lucky to have had great opportunities to take pictures of adorable little kids. I wish I had more time to spend with them though but, work gets in the way! haha.. here's a few of my favorite photos of 2011:

This is Joshua.. my filipino friend's stepson.. He has the most amazing pair of eyes I've seen!

Callie.. my co-worker's daughter..photo taken at a wedding.

Dominic at 6 months.. photo taken during a party..I placed a white throw  on a couch that was directly by the window. I love working with natural light.
Dominic.. i like how Cookie Monster's color complemented the tone of this picture. :)

Mischa and Dominic.. a friend on facebook commented.. "already the male is doing something to upset the female".. LOL

See what I mean about Joshua's eyes?...

Aiden... my suki (regualar customer)... His grandmother was my co-worker and every summer she asks me to take a photo of him..I happily oblige of course. 

Aiden's cousin, Matthew.. 

I swear he looks like a young Chris O'Donnell..

Spanky and Alfalfa.. don't you think?

2. Blog
       I've always envied people who keep blogs. I have regrets and self-loathing about why I'm never diligent in keeping one. I think I have 3 or 4 blogs created in the past and now I don't even know what the account names are. They were created out of envy and were soon forgotten as soon as I got busy with something else. However, this blog was created out of dire need to document so I'm hoping this will be the last one. I have set a personal goal of one blog entry per week (my friend's idea, since she knew me well enough to think that I needed to have something I have to adhere to).
yes, my buck teeth really do look silly it makes me laugh when I look at myself in the mirror sometimes .. lol

3. French & Spanish
      I have always been interested in foreign languages. I think it started when I was in elementary when we studied about a priest who was so accomplished. When he was 30 years old, he had already taught himself 5 different languages, including Latin! Since then I swore to myself that by the time I am 30, I would have learned to speak at least one foreign language. In college, I took Spanish classes but boy, was the teacher ever so terrible! I learned nothing. Zip, zero, nada. So, I bought workbooks and self-studied. I think I know basic Spanish now. And by 'think', I mean delusional thinking. haha. When I arrived in Canada though, I realized that what I should have been learning was French and not Spanish. Everything from groceries to public signs to movies has translation and versions in French. I thought I should take advantage of this and study French. But of course, what with being lazy and all, I managed not to learn any French except to count from 1-20 and say "Comment se vas?". I'll do better in 2012.

Look, I even borrowed a textbook from the library.. I read the first 3 pages and then it sat on the desk for a month. Untouched. lol.
4. Learn a new musical instrument
       I intended to learn how to play the piano and just as I was unwilling to spend money on photography lessons, I was no less willing to pay a piano teacher for lessons that would take forever! I learned to play the guitar on my own, I'm pretty sure I'll learn to play the piano on my own too..easy peasy---NOT!! It is 100 times more difficult--for me, that is. It takes patience, one thing I do not have, and a lot of time and effort. I won't give up that easy though so just to keep me going, I learned to play one piano piece. I chose Canon in C because it reminds me of this tearjerker scene from the korean movie, My Sassy Girl. In 2012 I promise to learn to read notes and memorize chords!

5. Geography
         By geography, I do not mean travel. I mean actual learning more about countries and cities and its people. I have always been interested in geography. Several years ago, I memorized all the countries of the world and their capitals and I knew them by heart. Last year, I wanted to kick my geeky side up a notch so I planned to know all the flags of the world. I was not successful. LOL. I was too busy lazing around. haha. I have made efforts to start though.
These are small fridge magnets made out of clay and baked in the oven. I started with countries where I have lived --Philippines, UAE and Canada. Notice my mad skillz in scuplting, especially the maple leaf on the Canadian flag? haha

I have an app on iphone called 'World Facts' and whenever I have time I try to read about different countries. Amazing app, it's got everything you need to know and I mean everything including what percentage of the population is affected by HIV..haha
Another favorite app is a flash card quiz on countries and their flags and capitals.
6. Sketch
             Okay, I just realized that apart from realizing that I don't really have a talent in sketching, I apparently lack the interest for such as well. I might finish the 30-day Drawing Challenge though.
In 2011, I started a '30-day Drawing Challenge'. Naturally, I did not finish it. I stopped at day 3. haha. Note to self, continue challenge in 2012.
I even bought a journal, but again, I stopped at day 3. I am terrible.

9. Write a song.
           Bygad, I don't even know what 'writing a song' is doing on this list.. hahahaha! Seriously, I have a bad case of delusions of grandeur. Trina, Trina, Trina.. you can't even carry a tune to save your life. Write a song, my arse. LOL.

10. Drive.
           One of my biggest accomplishments in 2011 is getting my driver's license! I can't even begin to tell you how I felt that day but I'm sure you know what I mean. I am now enjoying the liberty of coming and going anywhere, anytime without worrying about bus schedules and ridiculous taxi fares. Not to mention, singing to my heart's content when driving alone!


  1. Oh my! i think i need to audit my self too!

  2. I cant believe am reading this. Amazing new facts about my MINIME! Well Trinitz, now I remember...when i was conceiving you.. we just had our first set of Encyclopedia...remember, the Children's Treasury of Knowledge? And i was reading them book by book and was really absorbing and getting enthused with all those facts about everything. So go for it...follow the desires of your heart! Knowledge is Power!
